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History Early advances in medical devices and technology The Early Collaborators Global expansion Welcoming the future

The Early Collaborators

The Early Collaborators
Bill Cook meets Dr. Charles Dotter at the RSNA (Radiologic Society of North America) conference in 1963.

The founder of Cook Medical, Bill Cook, often said, “Come to work every day excited by a problem, get busy working on a solution, and make a difference in the life of a patient.” This statement reflected his business philosophy and remains a guiding force for the company today. Bill’s genius in the medical device and technology business was understanding that the key was to provide physicians with the tools they need to improve patients’ lives. He understood that he had to listen to the medical community. With that understanding, he began a journey that we continue today: a journey of listening and learning, of great friendships, of mentors and heroes, and of ingenuity and progress.

A few of the early physician collaborators

“It is important for all of us to remember that there were many contributors to angiography and interventional medicine. In the end, who invented what is really less important than the knowledge that medicine was changed forever by a few recognized leaders and thousands of unheralded contributors.”
— Bill Cook, founder of Cook Medical

These are just a few of the physicians Cook partnered with in the early years of the company.

Dr. Charles Dotter

Dr. Charles Dotter, known as the “father of interventional medicine,” became one of the first physicians to partner with Bill Cook in the development of medical devices.

Watch this brief video from Dr. Dotter’s own archives and learn about the first successful percutaneous transluminal angioplasty—a medical milestone—performed by Dr. Dotter.

Dr. Cesare Gianturco

Dr. Cesare Gianturco was a brilliant physician and inventor who left a legacy of breakthrough medical devices for cardiovascular interventions. Here’s a summary of his unique partnership with Cook.

Discover Dr. Gianturco’s invention the “wooly tail” coil in this informative video created on June 17, 2015, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of this innovative product.

Dr. Constantin Cope

Multiple device innovations came from Dr. Constantin Cope’s creative intellect. The Cope–Cook partnership caused a positive rippling effect in the field of interventional radiology.

Dr. Alvin Rutner

In the 1970s, Dr. Alvin Rutner’s innovations opened a new pathway for Cook to serve the needs of urology patients. Here’s a summary of the productive and dynamic Rutner–Cook partnership.

Read more about how Cook continues to connect with the medical community