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Sustainability & Environmental Practices

What we do and why we do it

We’ve done a lot to reduce our footprint on the environment, and we’d like to do more. We’re seeking ways to prevent pollution, to reduce waste, and to promote the sustainable use of natural resources. And we consider sustainability from a variety of angles — from the efficiency of our facilities to the design of our packaging and the distribution channels we use to get our products to a patient’s bedside.

Our facilities

Recycling and reuse

If something has a value, it should be used. When it can’t be reused, we look for ways to recycle.

Waste, energy, and water

Consumption and waste aren’t going away, but we always consider new options for reducing emissions, pollution, waste, and use of natural resources.

Architecture and construction

At the beginning of all construction projects, we consider new green building technologies, plan for reuse of materials, and build to maximize efficiency of natural resources.

Our customers, partners, and communities

Ordering and shipping

We seek the most efficient balance of technology, time, and transportation to get products to patients in a way that minimizes any negative impact on the environment.

Suppliers and distributors

Partnerships are a reflection of our own values, so we ask our business partners to follow the same standards we follow.


Communities are the foundation of our business. We’re always looking to create positive, lasting impacts on job creation and the spirit of our communities by putting old buildings back to use.

Our products, packaging, and operations

Products and packaging

When it comes to our products and packaging, we are committed to continuous improvement. We actively avoid and monitor restricted substances in our supply chain and are always looking for ways to remove nonessential features that generate excess waste.


Compliance to all applicable environmental, health and safety laws and regulations is a baseline. When it is possible to do more, we do.


Regarding environmental health and safety, it’s better to spend more time in the beginning making things right than to act retroactively. We are always working to prevent accidents that could endanger our employees and communities.

Read our global Social Impact & Sustainability Report for 2023



Our facilities are recognized for environmental sustainability

Cook Medical office and manufacturing building in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Cook Winston-Salem has received certification for their sustainability efforts. This facility has identified all of its existing environmental efforts and made plans to improve over the next several years.

LRQA ISO 14001 and UKAS logo

Cook Medical Ireland building and sign with country flags
Cook Ireland’s dedication to environmental sustainability helped them earn ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certifications for these standards:

  • ISO 14001—For meeting all requirements to minimize their operation’s negative environmental effects
  • ISO 50001—For meeting all requirements for energy efficiency

Cook Medical Denmark office and manufacturing building
Cook Denmark is determined to make sustainable business choices and reduce their environmental impact as a reflection of the promise Cook gives to patients, customers, employees, and communities. They’ve received the following certification for their efforts:

  • ISO 14001—For meeting all requirements to minimize their operation’s negative environmental effects

logo for DNV-GL ISO 14001 environmental system certification