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Aortic Intervention

Education for fellows in vascular surgery: a proctor’s perspective

Jason Lee, M.D. professor, Standford University Medical School

Dr. Jason T. Lee, professor of surgery and program director at Stanford University, has a vested interest in helping educate incoming vascular surgery fellows, residents, and young surgeons in practice. Whether he’s giving advice on how to run an efficient service, discussing aorta basics, doing hands-on demonstrations, or proctoring complex interventions, Dr. Lee recognizes the importance of contributing to educational programs – and it doesn’t hurt that he has fun doing it

Why do you participate in educational programs for fellows?

“As a program director, I feel it is my obligation to want to teach, and more importantly, I genuinely enjoy it. Even having the smallest bit of influence on their career is extremely meaningful and one of the most fulfilling things I can do.

I also enjoy interacting with new vascular trainees. Don’t let their status as fellows or residents fool you—they come up with creative ideas, and many times challenge our biases or teachings. As a vascular surgeon always trying to stay on the cutting edge, working with the next generation of vascular specialists is extremely rewarding. I can learn from them just as much as they can learn from me.”

What advice would you give to incoming fellows?

“Make it a point to be as observant as possible, to really listen—to your peers, to your patients, and to your faculty mentors. Be sure to share your ideas when the time is right. Keep up with current literature. Attend national and regional meetings, particularly those that focus on young surgeons and have sessions devoted to trainees. Network. Always be open-minded. And never stop learning.”

Explore Cook Medical’s product education opportunities

Cook Medical provides several opportunities for fellowship training in a broad range of clinical specialties. Learn more and sign up at .

Jason Lee is a consultant for Cook and Cook reimburses him for his travel expenses associated with Vista training events.