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Advocating for acceptance & awareness

Deep venous obstruction patient website

We have created an easy-to-understand website for your patients and their families that explains the causes and symptoms of deep venous obstruction and the medical therapies that can help them get back to living.

Pulmonary embolism patient website

We have also developed a patient site to explain the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for patients at risk of/or affected by pulmonary embolism. Because venous disease is complex, progressive, and unpredictable, it is helpful for patients to know as much as possible about these conditions to ensure they get prompt treatment if symptoms arise.

Society resources

Following is a list of venous-dedicated societies that offer education and training resources as well as the latest research on PE prevention and deep venous obstruction.

  1. American Venous Forum: Promoting Venous and Lymphatic Health
  2. Society of Interventional Radiology: Clinical practice resources and guidelines for venous disease.
  3. PERT Consortium: Pulmonary Embolism Response Team; a multidisciplinary approach to guide and influence PE care and research across institutions.