We think standards make sense for healthcare and for our business. Years ago, all of our manufacturing companies were using different numbering systems. The lack of a standard made it confusing and inefficient for us to manage products in the supply chain. We realized that if we were struggling with this problem, our customers probably were too. Cook’s solution was to adopt GS1 standards to simplify the supply chain.
GS1 is an international, not-for-profit association that creates and implements standards to bring efficiency and visibility to supply chains across industries. The GS1 standards for healthcare improve patient safety as well as many aspects of the supply chain. The standards achieve these improvements by assigning products unique numbers called GTINs, by synchronizing supply chain data with the GDSN, and by providing location coding with GLNs.
Here are our GLNs. You can use them when placing orders or returning product to Cook:
You may access data from the GDSN using the registered GS1 data pool of your choice. Cook Medical publishes to each global region and you can access our information using the appropriate GLN above.
The GDSN is a subscription-based warehouse of certified data that will enable all members of the healthcare supply chain to share common, accurate GTIN and GLN information.
GLNs are unique, 13-digit global numbers that identify physical locations and legal entities such as IONs.
GTINs are unique, global product-identification numbers. GTINs are usually barcoded on product packaging. They identify the manufacturer, the product, and the unit of measure. Cook Medical uses 14-digit GTINs.
GTINs enable trading partners to communicate in a common language and identify products throughout the supply chain. Without a common language, trading partners use different systems for product identification. Using separate systems to manage products is inefficient, error prone, and costly for everyone. When we use GTINs, patient safety and supply chain efficiency improve.
Cook Medical believes that standards make sense for the healthcare industry and our business because these standards improve the healthcare supply chain. Our internal manufacturing and the distribution supply chain benefit from GS1 standards the same way our customers do.
GS1 standards play an important part in supporting the UDI requirements.
GTINs and GLNs are the two key elements of GS1 Master Data Standards, these elements are what differentiate it from general catalog information.
GTIN utilization and the additional accurate product attributes retrieved from the GDSN can support barcode scanning and data capture at numerous points in the supply chain and care areas. This can result in improved visibility, inventory management, and record capture.
Yes, all Cook Medical products have unique GTINs.
No. Cook Medical products can be ordered either by using GTINs or our proprietary order numbers (formerly called GPNs) or reference part numbers (RPNs).
Use the form below to request a GTIN list. Please see our Privacy Statement for data protection notices relating to our collection and use of your data.