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Cook Medical celebrates Movember


Today, Cook Medical employees celebrated our first ‘Stache Day! We asked all of our moustache enthusiasts to show us their three-week progress on growing their Movember ‘staches. (And, we provided some fun props for those who can’t or won’t grow their own.)

Calling attention to prostate cancer is important to us because we can act to help the more than 233,000 men in the U.S. who will be diagnosed this year. Awareness is one of the most important factors in catching prostate cancer in its first stages.

This common form of cancer could be affecting those closest to us, which is why we need to inform others about risk factors, symptoms, and screenings. Prostate cancer is treatable and beatable! If the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage and can be contained to the prostate, the five-year survival rate is nearly 100 percent.

By hosting ‘Stache Day, we hope to:

If you have your own ‘stache photos, we want to see them! Send them to us on Twitter @CookUro, or on Cook Medical’s Facebook page, or e-mail us at
