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Protect your capital investment

If your Cook Medical capital equipment unexpectedly needs repairs or maintenance, our service plans can help you avoid costly downtime and postponement of patient care. To ensure that you are covered, our dedicated capital support team provides ongoing support and troubleshooting.

Premium Laser Service Agreement

You’ve got the keys to your new Cook Rhapsody® H-30® Holmium Laser System; now it’s time to make sure your investment is protected. Our premium laser service agreement ensures that you are covered if a repair or replacement need arises.

What’s included?

To meet your service needs, 1- and 3-year contract terms are available, with special pricing on contracts covering multiple units. You can also choose an agreement with a no-service-call credit, which returns a credit if you don’t have any service calls outside of the two scheduled preventive maintenance calls.

Cellvizio® service

We’re committed to providing service and support you can depend on to optimize the productivity of your Cellvizio system and provide peace of mind when the unexpected happens.

To ensure the performance of your equipment and the continuity of care to your patient, we offer two service plans: Zen 1 and Zen 3.

Zen 1

Zen 3

Preventive maintenance

Think of preventive maintenance as a tune-up for your capital equipment. As a part of your premium laser service agreement or Cellvizio service plan, a Cook-certified field engineer will perform multipoint preventive maintenance to detect and identify anomalies, before they impact the performance of your equipment, and keep it in optimal working condition to avoid unexpected downtime. Preventive maintenance can also be purchased separately from a service agreement.

Are you interested?

Send an email to, and someone from our capital team will contact you with more information.

*Standard coverage hours are Monday–Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (local time), excluding holidays.