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Quanta Overview Laser Overview Holmium Laser Technology Thulium Fiber Laser Technology Laser Fibers

The latest technology comes standard.

Our expanding selection of low-, medium and high-watt lasers feature the latest laser technology from Quanta System. The 60 W and higher-watt systems come standard with a trio of innovative technologies including the Virtual Basket pulse modulation mode. The low-watt experience has evolved as well with the launch of the Litho EVO, a 35 W system that features the premium technologies Vapor Tunnel and MasterPULSE.

See a side-by-side pulse comparison

Get a closer look at the bubble dynamics of Quanta’s innovative pulse technologies.

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    Explore the technologies

    Virtual Basket

    The double pulse modulation used with the Virtual Basket emission mode allows limited stone movements and fine lithotripsy. When you use the Virtual Basket mode, a first pulse generates the vapor bubble and a second pulse, emitted from the same fiber, propagates through the bubble to irradiate the target.

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    Vapor Tunnel

    Consisting of a single specific long pulse, the Vapor Tunnel emission mode allows limited retropulsion while dusting stones. It is designed to use minimum peak power in accordance with the selected output settings. This long bubble represents a direct connection between fiber tip and stone.

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    Experience an intuitive and more personalized way to adjust the laser settings, simply based on your visual feedback. Use MasterPULSE to reduce retropulsion and fine tune tissue cutting. Obtain the desired effect quickly, without the time needed to make standard adjustments to energy and frequency parameters. MasterPULSE has seven levels of pulse width adjustment for increased flexibility.

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