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Workplace experience

We stand by our values and have an unwavering commitment to uphold them. We believe it is essential to have an inclusive culture that not only promotes company growth but individual growth as well. We pride ourselves in equipping our employees with the education and skills needed to succeed beyond Cook.

Business Resource Groups at Cook Medical

We want everyone at Cook to feel engaged, included, and heard. With a company our size, we know it is imperative that we provide opportunities for employees to voice their concerns and to be part of the solution. Business Resource Groups (BRG) are employee-led, Cook-sponsored groups that have two goals: provide a safe space for everyone at Cook and influence the business with a viewpoint inclusive of all.

Whether you are a member or an ally, you have a place.

My Cook Pathway

We have implemented a program that allows people to join Cook even if they have not yet earned their high school diploma. Participants work part time in the morning and go to school in the afternoon while earning a full-time paycheck. Once a participant joins Cook, they, like all employees, are eligible to progress to a master’s degree with no expense to the employee.

  • Since the program started in 2016, more than 1,500 employees have participated in the My Cook Pathway program, advancing their education.
  • Visit our website to learn more about My Cook Pathway.

Updating our recruiting and employee engagement with our employees as a focus

With diversity, equity, and inclusivity top of mind, we are reimagining the systems, processes, and programs we use to recruit, retain, and engage with prospective and current employees. Our goal is to ensure a great hiring and workplace experience so that everyone can achieve their full potential at Cook.

Enhancing awareness and encouraging courageous conversations

At Cook, we pride ourselves on being just a little quirky. We value what makes people unique, and we believe who people are shouldn’t hinder the way they are treated within our walls. To ensure that is the case, we are raising awareness of the unconscious things each of us might do that could make someone else feel like they can’t be their true self.

We also believe that having bold, courageous, and necessary conversations is essential to providing an inclusive environment. To encourage that, we are starting dialog circles for employees to engage in and learn from.

Though company culture is always a work in progress, we are committed to creating an environment where everyone is respected and appreciated.